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Free Support

May require a referral.


Whāngai Pēpē Breastfeeding Support Service provides free breastfeeding support and education for:

  • Māori māmā and their whānau in Te Awa Kairangi

  • Pacific māmā and their whānau in Te Awa Kairangi

  • Any māmā and their whānau enrolled in Tamariki Ora Well Child, Waiwhetu Medical Centre and other Te Rūnanga o Te Āti Awa Services

  • Any māmā enrolled in Hapū Ora (Waiwhetu clinic only)


The friendly team of lactation consultants (IBCLC) and breastfeeding peer counsellors offer; 

-Clinic appointments

-Online or phone consultations,

-Home visit appointments (certain criteria applies)

-Breastpump hireage (certain criteria applies)

-Drop-in sessions in Wainuiomata and Waiwhetu

027 555 7741

Plunket and Plunketline offer free breastfeeding advice and support. 

Plunketline have IBCLC Lactation Consultants available for Phone and Zoom consults. Call them to arrange a time.

Call: 0800 933 922 

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